Bots NFT
Equip your Cromodo Dragon Fusion with Bots!
Last updated
Equip your Cromodo Dragon Fusion with Bots!
Last updated
Bots are the fellow adventurers of Cromodo Dragons!
In addition to their aesthetic value, they can be equipped to a Cromodo Dragon to unlocks a double functionality:
$GROOK staking boost
Increase the weight share among Royalties Pool
Bots are NFTs as well, they can be equipped and unequipped to a Cromodo Dragon!
They can be traded separately or equipped to a Cromodo Dragons wearing them.
For each generation of Cromodo Dragons a release of new BOTs takes places!
Those that will be issued first are:
Heal Bot
Magic Bot
War Bot
Those that will be issued for second are:
Each Bot is made up by assembly three Fragments of the same type. Fragments are NFTs as well, so it can be traded on secondary market!
Combining 3 Fragments of the same type gives the corresponding BOT.
Those that will be issued first are:
Heal Fragment
Magic Fragment
War Fragment
Those that will be issued for second are:
Engineer Fragment
Time Fragment
Nuclear Fragment
There will be 222 bots, consisting of 666 Fragments.
There will be two distributions, each of 111 Bots, and thus 333 Fragments. The Bots distributions will be made through the Fragment issuing.
The first drop of 333 Fragment will be the Heal, Magic and War type and will be distributed as follows:
150 Fragments to the 50 Discord members who have the OGrook role. Each wallet will get 3 Fragment of different type, allowing these users to get a BOT right away.
183 Fragments to the first 61 holders who will merge to LVL 1. Each wallet will get 3 Fragment, each of a different type. This mechanism will guarantee royalties that holders can farm.
The second drop of 333 will be the Engineer, Speed and Energy type.
These Fragments will be mintable in $GROOK after Cromodo Dragons GENERATION II release.
For every Bot equipped on your Cromodo Dragons Fusion LVL. 1 or 2, you will boost the amount of daily $GROOK yield and Royalties share from secondary market.
Single Bot
+12 $GROOK
Double Bot
+36 $GROOK
You can equip as many Bots as the level of your Cromodo Dragon:
Each Cromodo Dragons Fusion LVL. 1 can be equipped with up to 1 Bot.
Each Cromodo Dragons Fusion LVL. 2 can be equipped with up to 2 Bots.
You will be able to assembly a full Bot and equip it on a Cromodo Dragon through a proper sections on our website.
To assembly the 3 Fragments in order to obtain a Bot a burn of 1260 $GROOK is required.
To (un)equip a Bot to a Cromodo Dragon an amount of $GROOK is required to burn as follows:
First Bot
210 $GROOK
Second Bot
630 $GROOK
Heal Bot
Magic Bot
War Bot
Engineer Bot
Rewind Bot
Nuclear Bot
Heal Fragment
Magic Fragment
War Fragment
Engineer Fragment
Time Fragment
Nuclear Fragment